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It is a common practice in almost all denominations of Christianity. Though certain aspect vary in each. But the main principle and the idea remains identical: fasting physically and spiritually to reminiscence of the event; Jesus spent 40 days in the desert and has endured temptations by Satan during that period. According to gospels of Matthew and Luke, this was prior to Jesus beginning his public ministry.

  • It is observed prior to Easter
  • Penitence includes fasting and abstaining from certain habits
  • It is encouraged to do charity (alms-giving) in this period
  • In ancient times, it was practices by wearing sackcloth and being peppered with ash
  • Centuries ago, lent was observed far more strictly:
    • One meal a day
    • Meat, fish, eggs and butter are forbidden
      • Eastern churches also forbid the consumption & usage of wine, oil and any dairy products
    • These still apply even today in eastern churches
  • Physical fasting is meaningless if it is not accompanied by spiritual fasting, abstaining from sin
  • In essence, it is preparation for celebrating Jesus's resurrection in Easter

Rules of Lent

(for Catholics)

  • Fasting; eating one full meal a day, or two smaller portion meals a day
    • Two smaller portions shouldn't be equal to one full mean in sum!
  • Abstain from consuming meat on Fridays during lent
    • Also on Ash Wednesday
    • Non-seafood meats are forbidden, seafood are allowed
    • This is why there is a heavy consumption of fish in Fridays
  • Spending at least 5 minutes of time in silence and isolation, each day
    • For praying, self-reflecting, self-examination, reading passages of the Bible
    • This is not mandatory but highly recommended
    • It also helps you understand and feel connected with Jesus during his time in the desert, the 40 day journey
  • You can also further your commitment by absolving yourself by giving up certain luxuries and commodities, giving yourself to simple living. An act of self-denial, denying yourself worldly pleasures to imitate Jesus's sacrifice in the desert during 40 day period
  • Church doesn't clearly forbid any kind of beverage or liquid consumption during lent
  • Try to go above and beyond for denying yourself certain luxuries, get out of your comfort zone. You should try to give up things you enjoy as a means of sacrifice and penance.