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Legal documents

Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Also known as "confidentiality/proprietary information/secrecy" agreement.

It is a document which binds receiving party to uphold the confidential information. Unless it is requested by the disclosing party: receiving party shall not share given confidential information to any third-party. When they want you to sign NDA, you know you're about to hear/see/witness some serious stuff.

...yes, yes... Of course I posses the knowledge you seek. But how about some coins, and a signature here...

  • At least two parties are involved, known as "Disclosing party" and "Receiving party".
  • Confidential information could be:
  • An info delivered by verbal communication
  • In written form
  • If confidential information is in written form, it should be labeled/stamped with 'Confidential'
  • Publicly known information at the (time of transmit) does not fall into the NDA. e.g: capital of Germany is Berlin. This is not confidential information.


  • Can receiving party be held responsible just for possesing the confidential information ?
  • Can law dictate a receiving party to disclose confidential information in private or in public (like public hearing,trial etc.) if it will be just for another case ? If so, if you disclose this, can you be held responsible per NDA ?