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Commands (Artisan console)

  • DO NOT EXIT THE COMMAND WITH EXIT(0) OR EXIT(1). It messes up unit tests big time. Just use return 0 for the love of god. It costed me around 3 hours.


There are events and observers/listeners. Listeners subscribe to event(s) and do actions. Events fire when certain things happen, you fire it explicitly.

Events and listeners registered in EventServiceProvider.

Generating event and listener fiels

php artisan event:generate looks up into the EventServiceProvider, creates events and listeners classes accordingly. But this one does the folder structure uglier. So i don't recommend it. It stores both the event and the listener in providers folder 🤢

Or you may use:

php artisan make:event PodcastProcessed and php artisan make:listener SendPodcastNotification --event=PodcastProcessed. Remember to register these into the EventServiceProvider !

You are not obliged to create listener classes, you can register them anonymously into the boot() function of an event.


  • You can add as many properties as you want. Then you can indicate these dependencies and parameters in constructor.


  • Listeners receive event instances in the handle method public function handle(OrderShipped $event). But you don't have to explicitly indicate type, you may just apply loose-type. public function handle($event)
  • You may type-hint any necessary dependency and service in handle parameters to inject it through service container


  • Useful when you are going to perform time-consuming tasks in the Listener.
  • Configure your queue in queue.php and start queue workers by either queue:work or queue:listen. (Don't forget to indicate the queue in work/listen !)
  • If a listener is going to run on queue, implement shouldQueue interface on the listener clas.
  • public $connection = 'some-queue-for-events'; This refers to an entry in queue.connections.some-queue-for-events in queue.php. If you don't declare/define anything about connection in listener, it will use the default queue connection 'default' from queue.php.
  • public $queue = 'lets-gooo'; this one is for overriding 'queue'=>'....' in queue definition of corresponding queue connection. For example:
    //content of queue.php
            'some-queue-for-events' => [
                    'driver' => 'redis',
                    'connection' => 'default',
                    'queue' => 'my-queue',
                    'retry_after' => 90,
                    'block_for' => null,
                    'after_commit' => false,
    So in this case your listener will actually run on lets-gooo queue rather than my-queue because you're simply overriding it.


Queueable anonymous listener

you may use:

Event::listen(queueable(function (PodcastProcessed $event) {
    ->catch(function (PodcastProcessed $event, Throwable $e) {
    // The queued listener failed...
In a boot method of an event to register an anonymous (has no listener file) that runs using queue driver.

Wildcard event listener (anonymous)

Event::listen('event.*', function ($eventName, array $data) {


I don't think it is a good future, can cripple performance a bit. Don't be a lazy-ass and define your events/listeners !


Use event:cache on production to speed things up a bit. Clear 'em when you don't need 'em event:clear

Stop Event propagation

  • [!] If you return false from handle method of a listener, it will stop propagation of the event.

Cool packages




  • Flare


  • (Performance and Security Insight)
  • (GitHub actions generator. Both for app and packages. High quality.)

Laravel Package Development

  • //Magnificent. Best documentation I encountered over the years