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Headless CMS

Difference between headless CMS and headful (is there really such thing ? This word sounds made-up) is simply the way database and data is distributed. In conventional CMS like wordpress, there is usually no API at all by default. Data is fetched and rendered to page directly through PHP. Also the database is shaped to comfort specifically and exclusively Wordpress. Therefore you can't just say "you know what, enough with this WP bs. I'll switch my app/website to another CMS.", because now you are bound to it.

But in headless CMS, it's all just so flexible. No presentation layer, therefore it is up to the client/consumer of the CMS to decide how it'll be presented to the end-user. So in essence headless CMS is simply an API, but rather flexible API. This is why usually they use GraphQL. I mean there is quite a lot of advantages, e.g you can easily develop a mobile app using already existing API.


  • Ghost
  • Gumroad
  • Strapi
  • Netlify
  • Sanity
  • Google drive cms, check on github (ay yo ??)

First three are OG's.

Don't know if they'll overthrow throne of Wordpresses. Don't know if they should.