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  • If you get an unexplained error when mounting samba (smb) targets, try to add vers=1.0 at the end of your directive. It forces the system to use samba v1 to establish connection. Beware it is not safe though, you might wanna apply a firmware update on the server machine.
Mount all from fstab
# -v is for verbose
# -a is for all 
# it will scan  /etc/fstab and mount all those defined in there
# Depending on the situtation you might have to provide sudo for it to run
mount -av 
Mount single time from console
# This is for mounting a NAS
sudo mount.cifs // /mnt/this-is/where-to-mount/your-external-target -o user=john,password=doe,vers=1.0 0 0


# you have to provide the [LOCATION of the mount point] or [drive partition name]
# Depending on the situtation you might have to provide sudo for it to run
unmount /media/my/predefined/mount/point

Unload module

rmmod nvidia_uvm

Load module

modprobe nvidia_uvm

If you change hostname during installation or at some weird point, it may cause delay when issuing sudo on bash. Especially for starship shell. To fix this edit /etc/hosts.

Slow when sudo issued

  • It could be due to hostname change. /etc/hosts. Starship also suffers from this sometimes.

Execute command on terminal start (e.g open new terminal)

add the command to the end of the .bashrc

nano ~/.bashrc

Move folder content to upper level

# Case:
├── dir1
│   ├──
│   └── dir2
│       ├──
│       └──
# And you want to move content of dir2 to upper level (inside dir1)
├── dir1
│   ├──
│   └──
│   └──
|   └── dir2
# While inside dir1:

mv dir2/* .

# or change /* to /.*

Command history


Unfreeze SSH session (terminate connection)

1. Enter
2. ~ (tilde)
3. . (period)

Block WiFi adapter

#sudo apt install rfkill
sudo rfkill block wifi
#or any other adapter, such as bluetooth

Wipe buggy flash/usb drive

wipefs -a /dev/your-device 
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/the-buggy-drive bs=2048 count=32

mkdir with child

mkdir -p 

Delete dir

rmdir yourDir

If has child

rm -r yourDir

Disable all connection except LAN (disable internet)

 sudo route del default gw

 # To re-enable it:
 sudo route add default gw
 # Alternative, assumning your LAN range is with /24 (haven't tried)
 iptables -P INPUT DROP
 iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT

Find your network gateway

route -n|grep "^"

save cd path for shorthand

#Add this to bashrc
shopt -s cdable_vars
export myFold=$HOME/Files/Scripts/Main

#So that you can
cd myFold

Reload .bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

Local ip in the network

hostname -I

Kill webstorm or phpstorm

kill -9 $(pgrep -f webstorm)

Suspend job, send to background

ctrl + z

Background jobs


Switch back to the job

# "1" is the number that is displayed after using jobs comm.
bg %1 

Bring to foreground

fg %1