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Disclaimer: Do not trust the contents of this document. I'm not a medical expert and these are not medical suggestions or advices. None of the material on this page is intended for subsitute to professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Intention of this file is merely for educational and research purposes. You have been warned.

Always consult your doctor/physician without delay.

Chlamydia (STD)


Decubitus (Pressure ulcer, bedsores)

Research. Careful, nasty stuff. Varies in location: elbows, shoulder, sacrum etc. Has 4 stages.


Interesting stuff, do research

Diabetic retinopathy

  • It is essentially a result of diabetes causing damage on various organs. In this case; it is eyes
  • It is the leading cause of vision impairment
  • 99% of patients with diabetes type 1 and around %60 percent of patients with diabetes type 2 display some degree of it
  • If left untreated; it'll result in severe vision impairment by big portions of floaters, if not complete blindness
  • Fluctuating vision, floaters, blurred vision, eye strain, red eyes, trouble with seeing in the dark
  • It is exclusive to diabetic patients

Pneumococcal disease

  • Caused by pneumococcus bacteria
  • Common in homeless people
  • Spread by coughing and sneezing
  • It can cause various infections in the body:
  • Sinuses
  • Lungs (pneumonia)
  • Ears (otitis)
  • Sinuses (sinusitis)
  • The lining of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
  • Blood (bacteremia)
  • chest pain, fever, cough, joint pain, chills, ear pain
  • Two types:
  • HAP (Hospital acquired pneumonia): you can catch it from health facilities, it usually shows it's symptoms in 2-3 days
  • CAP (Community-acquired pneumonia): spread/caught by those who are outside of the healthcare system
  • I think it is very common in military
  • Can be treated with
  • wide-range/common antibiotics: azithromycin, clarithromycin. Azitro.
  • cough syrup
  • Pseudoephedrine, afrin, a-ferin, codeine
  • Over-the-counter ear drops (e.g siprogut)
  • It is some of the leading cause of death in all groups. But Actually mortality rate is just 1%.
  • There is a vaccine available for prevention and protection, especially for children

Steppage Gait (Diabetic Gait)

// Research gait abnormalities - Is in gait abnormalities group - Having hard time raising the foot back after initial step - Usually patient has to rotate from the leg to prevent toes from dragging on surface (on swing phase) - Main indicator is high-rising knee to prevent toes from scraping ground

Asteroid hyalosis

  • floaters in the eye
  • caused by calcium soaps deposits form inside the vitreous fluid that fills the back of the eye
  • harmless, unless it is caused by a tear on cornea
  • They glow under eye exam. It could remind of a snowglobe
  • They only cause visual sympots like floaters (more than usual)
  • "Asteroid hyalosis is primarily an incidental finding seen during an eye exam and not an indicator of any problems"
  • If the amount floaters increase and obstruct the vision, a vitrectomy surgery could be conducted. But it is rather rare.


  • It can present itself on many different body parts.
  • Appearence: Small, white-yellow acne like bump
  • Possible causes: bacteria, yeast, being overweight, not cleaning after sweating, unhygienic hot water sources (sauna)
  • In severe cases it can lead to large scars which result in perma loss of hair on that area. Do not meddle with it
  • These conditions trigger it's emergence:
  • Sweating
  • Heat and humidity
  • Tight fitting fabric
  • Excessive antibiotic consumption
  • Ingrown hairs
  • Supressed/Weakened immuno system

  • Usually caused by Staph bacteria, which resides in ears, nostril, belly, groin. So dealing with Folliculitis's region not always helpful, it'll eventually come back.

Remedity and cure:

  • Applying oatmeal on the area
  • Antibacterial creams/cleansers
  • Warm towel on the affected area (don't wrap tight, gentle)
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Resistant penicillins
  • Antifungal agents (if cause is fungal)

According to some peoples hear-say: - benzoyl peroxide cream (%5, %10. The more, the merrier.) - Tea tree oil/shampoo - neutrogena cleanser - Apple vinegar, apply it on the area - Daily pillow case changing, if present in scalp area - You may have gotten it from a barber or Accutane treatment/consumption.


  • Is a STD
  • Cured with penicillin (also steroid on late stages)
  • Primary syphilis: presents itself with a "chancre" (small sore) on genital part. It's painless and will be cured on it's own in 3-6 weeks
  • Secondary syphilis: begings after "chancre" heals. Rashes on almost anywhere, including palm and soles of feet. Swollen lymph nodes, sore throat.
  • Latent syphilis: this is the stage if it's left untreated after secondary syphilis.
  • Tertiary syphilis: It starts damaging. Brain, nervous system, eyes, heart, liver and bones are usual victims.
  • Has some mortality rate if untreated and in a late stage

Cold Sores



  • Inflammation on the front section oft the eye
  • Floaters
  • Blurred or cloudy vision
  • photophobia

  • Use steroids eye droplets. It might help if it is issued by auto-immune related.

Herpesviral encephalitis

  • Caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV-1).
  • Is a STD. Can easily spread with droplets and casual contact
  • Causes genital herpes
  • Demoted consciousness, changes in personality, confusion
  • Definitive identification requires Lombard Puncture. Cerebrospinal fluid gathering
  • Lethal if not treated
  • Claimed to be targeting (or eager to target) cancer cells when cancer is present


  • Nitroglycerin may provoke it. Nitroglycerin can be obtained from peanut
  • Serotonin might clear an attack


  • Affects the liver
  • Can be caused by primarily: heptitis and chronic alcoholism or some other disease that hold on to liver.
  • Whenever liver gets damaged (through disease or alcohol liquids) it forms scar tissues in order to repair itself. Cirrhosis is the situation where liver produces so much scar tissue which makes it hard for the liver to function properly.
  • Damage done by cirrhosis cannot be reverted nor healed. It's perma.
  • Loss of apetite, fatigue, swelling on feet and ankles, jaundice (skin/eyes going yellow), redness in palm
  • hard to recognize in early stages


  • Is a STD.
  • Caused by a bacteria "Neisseria gonorrhoeae"
  • Primary symptom is burning sensation on urination.
  • But be careful: Usually doesn't show any symptom ! So hard to diagnose.
  • Far likely to be found on young adults
  • Name comes from the Ancient Greek (200 AD): "an unwanted discharge of semen"
  • Men have 20% chance to obtain it whilist women have 60-80%.

Legionnaires disesase (Legionnaire Disease)

  • Caused by Legionella bacteria. This fella can't transmit from human-to-human. And usually doesn't cause illness.
  • Legionella bacteria can be obtained from poor-condition-AC's, ice-making machines, swimming pools etc. So i guess it likes aquatic environments.
  • Elderly, smokers and people with altered immuno-system is more suspectible to it
  • Untreated in can be fatal (10-25%)
  • Headache, muscle ache, fever, cough, chest pain, inflamation on lungs (pneumonia)
  • Treatment is antibiotics, no vaccine is available


  • Two main states. Latent TB and Active TB.
  • Latent (TB Infection): TB is present in the body but inactive. Therefore won't cause any symptom or sickness (maybe a little). It is not contagious at this tage.
  • Active (TB disease): Makes you hit the bed. It is possible to spread to others.

  • Only spreads through an infected person

  • Primarily affects the lungs
  • Coughing (might include blood). At least around 3 weeks
  • Chest pain while breathing and coughing
  • Fever, chills, fatigue, night sweats

Bulimia nervosa

  • Eating disorder. Affected does 'binge eating', eating like a pig. Similar to those in Roman times.
  • Subject actually wants to lose weight. Therefore after binge eating they commit vomitting/purging/taking-laxatives
  • Russel's sign is a indicator. Look for bruises, red spots, dead skin on knuckles.
  • Usually accompanied by depression, anxiety, bipolar d. Suicide or self-harm is possible

Cushings Syndrome

Myoclonic Jerk

  • Irregular, no rhytm. If there is rhytm or a pattern, then it could be Clonus [Research and Insert link here]
  • Famous example is Hiccups
  • Usually occur when falling to sleep.
  • It occurs in healthy people too, it's rather common actually.
  • But if they occur more frequently and in everyday life, it indicates a neurological problem.
  • It could be indicator of these diseases: Alzheimer, epilepsy, dystonia (Research, interesting)
  • In high severity cases it could prevent the patient from eating, sleeping etc.

B12 Deficiancy

Symptoms - Tiredness - Reduced number of blood cells - Mouth ulcers - Low blood pressure - Blurred vision - Decreased taste and smell - Depression, anxiety, guilt, psychosis - pernicious anaemia: immune system attacks healthy cells in stomach, preventing body from absorving B12


Finger Clubbing

  • Is a result of chronically low oxygen in blood.
  • Often foretells heart or lung problems.
  • I think it is also chronological, I see some pattern...